Frequently Asked Questions


Does Beacon follow the teachings & doctrines of the Church?

Yes. We affirm the doctrines and teachings of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, including the doctrines contained in The Family: A Proclamation to the World; that only “marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God,” and that “God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife.”

What is Beacon’s Mission?

Our mission is to seek to empower individuals and families addressing same-sex attraction to authentically and joyfully live the gospel of Jesus Christ and keep sacred covenants.

Is Beacon an LGBT activist organization, advocating for the Church to allow same-sex temple marriages?

No. Beacon firmly supports the eternal doctrines of the gospel, including that “the doctrine of marriage between a man and woman is an integral teaching of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and will not change” (Gospel Topics; Same-Sex Attraction).

Is Beacon a “conversion therapy” or “ex-gay” group?

Absolutely not. Beacon strongly condemns any coercive forms of therapy, including so-called “conversion” or “aversion” therapy as wrong and harmful. Beacon’s purpose is not to change individuals sexual orientation from having homosexual attractions to having heterosexual attractions, but to help bring individuals closer to Christ. Beacon does not provide any form of therapy and is not a substitute for therapy or counselling. If someone is seeking therapy or counselling, we recommend talking to your local bishop for a referral Family Services to receive help from a competent professional.

Is anyone allowed to attend Beacon’s support meetings?

We welcome anyone to attend our meetings no matter their religious affiliation or level of activity in the Church; however, to ensure the spiritual and physical safety of group participants, we require that all participants accept our Group Agreement, which is to (1) Affirm the doctrines and teachings of the Church; (2) Maintain confidentiality of all group members; (3) Demonstrate appropriate behavior in public and private; (4) Be responsible for your own wellbeing and respectful of others; (5) Be sensitive to others’ feelings and open to diverse experiences.

Are only Latter-day Saints allowed to attend support meetings?

No. We warmly welcome Christians of any denomination, or anyone of any faith or religion, so long as they are willing to affirm Biblical teachings on God’s laws for marriage and chastity.

Are youth able to attend the meetings?

Due to the sensitive subject matter that is at times discussed, youth must be accompanied by a guardian in order to attend; otherwise, group participants must be 18+ years old to attend.

How often are meetings held?

Meetings are usually held twice a month.

Does it cost anything to attend the meetings?

All of our resources, including our meetings, are completely free of cost.

How are Beacon meetings conducted?

Meetings are typically divided into two halves. The first half we focus on different gospel-centered principles from the Principles for Reconciliation manual. In the second half, we then have a group discussion where we help support each other through challenges we may be facing individually in our journeys.

Is Beacon sponsored by the Church or North Star International?

Beacon is not a subsidiary of, or owned by, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or North Star, and the content of this site should not be interpreted as official statements of the Church or North Star regarding doctrine, beliefs, or practice. While Beacon wholly supports the doctrines and values of the Church, all views expressed or errors made are the sole responsibility of site contributors.